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Month: June 2006

Feeding Strategies to Increase Sensory Organization

by Michelle A. Ortega, M.S., CCC-SLP Michelle Ortega was our speaker for our June, 2000 meeting and is Tanner’s private Speech and Language Pathologist. If you found the above information helpful, you may also want to read Mealtime Tips, also written by Michelle. 1. Increase the tactile input of the food by mixing textures. Add …

ADHD and Speech Excerpts

Comorbidity in ADHD and Associated Outcomes by Dennis P. Cantwell, M.D. “…Communication disorders describe developmental speech and/or language disorders. These children have elevated rates of ADHD. It is also clear that children referred for psychiatric problems and given a diagnosis of ADHD have undiagnosed speech and language disorders in a number of cases, as high …

Why underlying speech and language disorders in conditions from ADHD and autism to dyslexia and DSI need to be addressed

Even though speech and language disorders are the number one disability in children, and on the rise for some reason, genetic or environmental or both, and even though the importance of early detection and treatment to children exhibiting early speech and language delays has been well researched and documented, there is little awareness about its impact …

The “Lellow” Breakthrough

From The LCP Solution book Dyspraxia/Apraxia Tanner Geng’s “The Lellow Breakthrough” Three-year-old Tanner, standing in the bathroom of his family’s New Jersey home picked up a pink comb, pointed to a yellow stripe that ran through it, and said, “Lellow.” It was the first ‘real’ word he had ever spoken and it came after just …

Affiliated Groups

Cherab Foundation helps to start, supports, and works together with other support groups and nonprofits (such as ECHO, VOICES, and Apraxia Network) that have mutual goals for helping children with apraxia and other speech disorders. Talk to and network with others at Cherab’s partner informational site. See "Communication Station" at Speechville Express for comprehensive listings …

A Letter To Parents Who Have A Child That Is A Late Talker First Written 7/4/00

Acknowledgment from The Late Talker book: “”…Thanks to my two boys, Dakota and Tanner. Your communication delays were a motivating wake-up call to do something to help both of you and others. Your success from early intervention is an inspiration, providing hope for all late talkers. Without you there would not have been a Cherab Foundation and the …

Suggestions for a Pre-School Teacher who has a Child with Apraxia in Class

1. Send home a picture of the activity centers, and all the children and teachers, so the child can be more specific about what he or she did during the day. Sample Letters To Your Child’s New Teacher For Apraxia Autism Or Any Special Need 2. Recognize the child’s strengths, not just his or her …

Phonological Awareness Activities

by Paula Tallal PhD Dr. Paula Tallal, an advisor for Cherab, is the Board of Governor’s Professor of Neuroscience, Co-Director of the CMBN at Rutgers University, and Co-Founder of Scientific Learning Corp (SCIL), Director, Scientific Learning Corp. She shared the following with our group and answered some of our members’ questions. Phonics approaches focus on …