I am currently doing research for my Honor’s Thesis at Niagara University. The research is based on the Stereotypes Myths and Misconceptions perpetuated towards people who are on the Autism Spectrum. However to move forward, I am going to need help from parents, caregivers, family members and friends of individual’s diagnosed with Autism.
Please send me common and uncommon Stereotypes, Myths and Misconceptions that you have experienced regarding your loved one with Autism. For example, “But he/she doesn’t look Autistic.”
Your list can be as long or as little as you wish and you can either type it below or message me. One last thing to keep in mind is your identity will remain anonymous. Please share your responses in the comments below, or email me [email protected]
Thank you for your time and participation; it is my hope that one day ignorance will be replaced with knowledge.
Carly Rose
(mom to two boys on the spectrum)
Autism Stereotypes Myths and Misconceptions Research
Posted: September 18, 2013 by lisa
I am currently doing research for my Honor’s Thesis at Niagara University. The research is based on the Stereotypes Myths and Misconceptions perpetuated towards people who are on the Autism Spectrum. However to move forward, I am going to need help from parents, caregivers, family members and friends of individual’s diagnosed with Autism.
Please send me common and uncommon Stereotypes, Myths and Misconceptions that you have experienced regarding your loved one with Autism. For example, “But he/she doesn’t look Autistic.”
Your list can be as long or as little as you wish and you can either type it below or message me. One last thing to keep in mind is your identity will remain anonymous. Please share your responses in the comments below, or email me [email protected]
Thank you for your time and participation; it is my hope that one day ignorance will be replaced with knowledge.
Carly Rose
(mom to two boys on the spectrum)
Category: Research Tags: autism, misconceptions, myths, Research, stereotypes