In addition to Cherab resources on Twitter, Pinterest,Youtube, and the following Cherab support groups on Facebook, please check Lisa Geng’s blog Pursuit of Research for information on advocacy, therapy, nutrition, parenting, and relevant research. Two of the most popular pages is information on fish oils and information for new parents. While our online support group goes back historically to Yahoo, the following are a few of our public and private support groups on Facebook.
Our main support group for the Cherab Foundation is at
One on one consultations
In a one-hour video chat consultation, Lisa Geng will answer your questions, and provide proven tips as well as insight to help with IEPS, therapy, and frustrations, dealing with your communication impaired child. Learn more
The Cherab Foundation, a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization founded in 1999, has been working to improve the communication skills, education, and advocacy of the verbal disabled Help Give Our Cherubs A Smile And A Voice
Find Support
In addition to Cherab resources on Twitter, Pinterest, Youtube, and the following Cherab support groups on Facebook, please check Lisa Geng’s blog Pursuit of Research for information on advocacy, therapy, nutrition, parenting, and relevant research. Two of the most popular pages is information on fish oils and information for new parents. While our online support group goes back historically to Yahoo, the following are a few of our public and private support groups on Facebook.
Our main support group for the Cherab Foundation is at
One on one consultations
In a one-hour video chat consultation, Lisa Geng will answer your questions, and provide proven tips as well as insight to help with IEPS, therapy, and frustrations, dealing with your communication impaired child. Learn more
Cherab’s Teen and Young Adult Group YADA
Read more about our moderator Kari O’Neil here. Read about Lisa Geng’s son Tanner here
Cherab’s Grandparent Support Group For Special Needs
Cherab’s Not Sensing Pain Normally In Apraxia and Autism
Cherab’s All Forms Of VPD- Velopharyngeal Dysfunction Parent Support
Cherab Foundation’s Private Discussion Group
The Cherab Foundation, a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization founded in 1999, has been working to improve the communication skills, education, and advocacy of the verbal disabled Help Give Our Cherubs A Smile And A Voice