The following is a list of acronyms: ACLD Association for Children and Adults with Learning Disabilities (former name of LDA) ADA Americans with Disabilities Act ADD Attention Deficit Disorder ADD-RT Attention Deficit Disorder – Residual Type, ADD that lasts into childhood ADD/WO Attention Deficit without Hyperactivity or “Undifferentiated ADD” ADHD Attention Deficit with Hyperactivity Disorder, …
Student Name: Simon Smith Student No.: nnn-nnn-nnn Birth Date: 90/09/15 (yr/mo/day) Grade: 4 School: School Division: Referral Date: (yr/mo/day) Case Manager: Program Planning Team: Name Position Signature Parents Student Services Administrator Principal Resource Teacher Class Teacher Speech-Language (SLP) Occupational Therapist Physical Therapist (Signature indicates you understand the IEP.) Speech Therapy Matrix For School Based SLPs Background Information Relevant Medical/Diagnostic Information: …
The following facts are intended to help guide you as you approach working with school personnel to develop or revise the IEP for your child: As a parent, you should be included in IEP meetings as an equal participant. The following facts are intended to help guide you as you approach working with school …