Sara Rosenfeld-Johnson M.S., CCC/SLP is on the advisory board for the Cherab Foundation “Horns as therapy tools”, By Sara Rosenfeld-Johnson, M.S.,CCC-SLP Published in ADVANCE Magazine May 31, 1999 and “Straws as therapy tools”, By Sara RosenfeldJohnson, M.S.,CCC-SLP, Published in ADVANCE Magazine April 19, 1999. Part I: Straws Using Simple Tools in Oral-Motor Therapy By Sara Rosenfield-Johnson, …
Posted: August 10, 2018 by lisa
Fish oil and Bleeding Risk
“There is a long-standing myth that omega-3s cause bleeding. We have used data from 18,000 patients who were in clinical trials over the years-mostly in heart disease, and there is not one case of bleeding from omega-3s” It has long been believed that fish oil may cause a person to bleed more easily, especially if …
Posted: August 9, 2018 by lisa
The ABCs of Government, Special Education, and Advocacy
The following is a list of acronyms: ACLD Association for Children and Adults with Learning Disabilities (former name of LDA) ADA Americans with Disabilities Act ADD Attention Deficit Disorder ADD-RT Attention Deficit Disorder – Residual Type, ADD that lasts into childhood ADD/WO Attention Deficit without Hyperactivity or “Undifferentiated ADD” ADHD Attention Deficit with Hyperactivity Disorder, …
Posted: August 9, 2018 by lisa
Sample IEP For Global Developmental Delay
Student Name: Simon Smith Student No.: nnn-nnn-nnn Birth Date: 90/09/15 (yr/mo/day) Grade: 4 School: School Division: Referral Date: (yr/mo/day) Case Manager: Program Planning Team: Name Position Signature Parents Student Services Administrator Principal Resource Teacher Class Teacher Speech-Language (SLP) Occupational Therapist Physical Therapist (Signature indicates you understand the IEP.) Speech Therapy Matrix For School Based SLPs Background Information Relevant Medical/Diagnostic Information: …
Posted: August 9, 2018 by lisa
Fast facts on IEPs
The following facts are intended to help guide you as you approach working with school personnel to develop or revise the IEP for your child: As a parent, you should be included in IEP meetings as an equal participant. The following facts are intended to help guide you as you approach working with school …
Posted: August 9, 2018 by lisa
Writing Individualized Education Programs (IEPs) For Success
Writing Individualized Education Programs (IEPs) For Success Barbara D. Bateman, Ph.D., J.D. Secondary Education and Beyond Learning Disabilities Association 1995 (currently out of print) Article Outline I. Introduction II. Developing the IEP III. Transition Planning I. INTRODUCTION The post-school success rates of students who have learning disabilities, as a group, have not been what we would all hope …
Posted: August 3, 2018 by lisa
Why is CHERAB spelled with an A?
Q. Why is CHERAB spelled with an A and not a U? A. It’s all in the cheeks! When my son Tanner was a preschool child his nickname was “cherub boy” because even strangers would call him that and say he looked like a little angel. Tanner was first diagnosed with apraxia in 1999 when …
Posted: October 10, 2017 by lisa
Why Early Intervention?
Why Early Intervention when he’s just a late talker? “We now know the earlier the intervention, the better the brain can reorganize.” Today, parents are generally told to look for signs of delay early, even in a baby’s first year, and seek help. No one should assume that a silent 2-year-old is a budding genius; …
Posted: March 22, 2013 by lisa
Horns as therapy tools By Sara Rosenfeld-Johnson MS CCC-SLP
Sara Rosenfeld-Johnson M.S., CCC/SLP is on the advisory board for the Cherab Foundation “Horns as therapy tools”, By Sara Rosenfeld-Johnson, M.S.,CCC-SLP Published in ADVANCE Magazine May 31, 1999 and “Straws as therapy tools”, By Sara RosenfeldJohnson, M.S.,CCC-SLP, Published in ADVANCE Magazine April 19, 1999. Part I: Straws Using Simple Tools in Oral-Motor Therapy By Sara Rosenfield-Johnson, …
Posted: June 24, 2011 by lisa
Late Talker Handout
Is Your Child A Late Talker? · Are they quiet? · Seem shy? · Not talking like their peers? · Allow you or siblings to speak for them? · Do you wonder why? Your baby’s babbling and toddlers first words can be music to your ears. When faced with a child who doesn’t speak …
Posted: January 26, 2010 by cherab
Normal Language Milestones – Clues of a Possible Problem
Is Your Child A Late Talker? · Are they quiet? · Seem shy? · Not talking like their peers? · Allow you or siblings to speak for them? · Do you wonder why? Your baby’s babbling and toddlers first words can be music to your ears. When faced with a child who doesn’t speak or …